
Welcome to the Brompton Academy careers page. Here you will find some in-depth information describing how we encourage our students to become the best people they can be.

We want to ensure all students are well prepared for life after school and feel confident in the work place. We know that students will succeed in their chosen careers if they enjoy what they do.  We also know that it is important to find a job that is rewarding personally as well as financially. We pride ourselves on matching the personality and ability of every student with the best careers opportunities and activities to enable them to reflect on their skills and abilities and the possibilities available to them in the world of work.

Of course many will already have a good idea of what lies ahead of them, whether it is joining the family business, starting their own business or obtaining a dream job and taking it to further heights.   But there will be those that will appreciate our professional and experienced guidance.

As well as making targeted suggestions, our trained staff can endeavour to explore ideas students may not yet have thought of. We achieve this through a planned programme of activities to help students aged between 11 and 19.  We help them manage their career paths, planning for sustained employability throughout their lives. Each department’s curriculum has regular activities within the lessons focussed on careers and employment skills associated with the curriculum. This is to enhance the meaning and relevance of the curriculum by introducing students to the career opportunities associated with each subject’s curriculum content. Students become more aware of the complex variety of careers and employment skills, how each curriculum supports their progress and how every lesson enables them to achieve their aspirations.

Every school has a statutory duty to provide careers education in Years 7-13 to ensure students have access to careers information and impartial guidance.  Here at Brompton Academy, careers education is considered a major priority. We understand there is no point in securing a rewarding education if students are then unable to continue to progress after school either in further education, apprenticeships or employment. Every child is important, no matter what their background and ability. We carry this out in partnership with a number of different professional careers advisors, who maintain the same ethos as ourselves – every student is important.

We are totally committed to providing a planned programme of careers education and information, advice and guidance. This is known as CEIAG and is for all students in Years 7-13.

Steve Mesure - Careers in the Curriculum Lead

Suzanne Taylor - Careers Adviser for KS5

Jane Laing - Careers Adviser for KS3 and KS4

Complete Careers Map

Please click here to view the complete careers map.

Please click here to view the Brompton Academy Gatsby Benchmarks.


Careers Policy
Provider Access Policy Statement

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance

1. A stable careers programme

2. Learning from career and labour market information

3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

5. Encounters with employers and employees

6. Experiences of workplaces

7. Encounters with Further and Higher Education

8. Personal guidance

The Gatsby Benchmarks are pivotal in the planning and delivery of all CEIAG at the Academy, which is constantly reviewed and amended throughout the year. This ensures that all Students, Teachers, Employers and Parents/Carers are kept informed of our policies and procedures.

How is CEIAG delivered at Brompton Academy

Careers education, information, advice and guidance programme is delivered as part of the school’s personal tutor time and professional development programme plus the following activities:

To view year group Activities please Click Here

Up and coming Careers events at Brompton Academy

Careers Fair March 2025 for all year groups.

We have visits from employers, training providers and further education establishments to deliver assemblies to all year groups throughout the year.

Year 10, 11 & 13 visit a variety of different universities throughout the academic year.


Unifrog – The Complete Destinations Platform

In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next step after School/College, we are partnered with Unifrog; an award-winning, online careers platform. All students at Brompton Academy now have access to this excellent website.

Unifrog brings into one place every undergraduate university course, apprenticeship, and college course in the UK, as well as other opportunities, such as Virtual work experience, School Leaver Programmes, MOOCs and every college at Oxford and Cambridge. This makes it easy for students to compare and choose the best university courses, apprenticeships or further education courses for them. They can also explore exciting opportunities further afield by looking at English-taught undergraduate programmes available in Europe and the USA.

Additionally, the platform helps students successfully apply for these opportunities by using Unifrog to write their personal statement, applications and CVs and guiding them through the process, allowing teachers to give live feedback.

We are committed to providing a planned programme of careers education and information, advice and guidance. We continually innovate to ensure our students are receiving the high quality and effective guidance they deserve. At the end of each academic year we review the impact of our careers program using students voice and destinations data.

For more information, go to or contact

Useful links



National Careers Service