
Welcome to the Brompton Academy careers page. Here you will find some in-depth information describing how we encourage our students to become the best people they can be.

We want to ensure all students are well prepared for life after school and feel confident in the work place. We know that students will succeed in their chosen careers if they enjoy what they do. We also know that it is important to find a job that is rewarding personally as well as financially. We pride ourselves on matching the personality and ability of every student with the best careers opportunities and activities to enable them to reflect on their skills and abilities and the possibilities available to them in the world of work.

Of course many will already have a good idea of what lies ahead of them, whether it is joining the family business, starting their own business or obtaining a dream job and taking it to further heights.   But there will be those that will appreciate our professional and experienced guidance.

As well as making targeted suggestions, our trained staff can endeavour to explore ideas students may not yet have thought of. We achieve this through a planned programme of activities to help students aged between 11 and 19. We help them manage their career paths, planning for sustained employability throughout their lives. Each department’s curriculum has regular activities within the lessons focussed on careers and employment skills associated with the curriculum. This is to enhance the meaning and relevance of the curriculum by introducing students to the career opportunities associated with each subject’s curriculum content. Students become more aware of the complex variety of careers and employment skills, how each curriculum supports their progress and how every lesson enables them to achieve their aspirations.

Every school has a statutory duty to provide careers education in Years 7-13 to ensure students have access to careers information and impartial guidance. Here at Brompton Academy, careers education is considered a major priority. We understand there is no point in securing a rewarding education if students are then unable to continue to progress after school either in further education, apprenticeships or employment. Every child is important, no matter what their background and ability. We carry this out in partnership with a number of different professional careers advisors, who maintain the same ethos as ourselves – every student is important.

We are totally committed to providing a planned programme of careers education and information, advice and guidance. This is known as CEIAG and is for all students in Years 7-13.

click the image to find out more about careers at Brompton Academy

gatsby benchmark - compass plus evaluation 2024

The Compass Plus report is a comprehensive evaluation tool which is used to assess various aspects of a schools’ career performance, including alignment with goals, operational efficiency, and overall progress toward key objectives. 

Achieving 100% on the Compass Plus report is a significant accomplishment, indicating that every element under review meets or exceeds the highest standards set by the evaluation criteria. 

This reflects a perfect alignment with strategic goals, optimal execution, and strong team cohesion. Being 100% on the report showcases outstanding performance, reinforcing confidence in the school’s capabilities, and signalling its readiness for future challenges.

  • Jane Laing - Careers Advisor for KS4

    Suzanne Taylor - Careers Advisor for KS5

    Steve Mesure - Teacher Responsible for Careers in the Curriculum

    Academy Telephone Number: 01634 852341

    1. A stable careers programme

    2. Learning from career and labour market information

    3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

    4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

    5. Encounters with employers and employees

    6. Experiences of workplaces

    7. Encounters with Further and Higher Education

    8. Personal guidance

    The Gatsby Benchmarks are pivotal in the planning and delivery of all CEIAG at the Academy, which is constantly reviewed and amended throughout the year. This ensures that all Students, Teachers, Employers and Parents/Carers are kept informed of our policies and procedures.

  • In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next step after School/College, we are partnered with Unifrog; an award-winning, online careers platform. All students at Brompton Academy now have access to this excellent website.

    Unifrog brings into one place every undergraduate university course, apprenticeship, and college course in the UK, as well as other opportunities, such as Virtual work experience, School Leaver Programmes, MOOCs and every college at Oxford and Cambridge. This makes it easy for students to compare and choose the best university courses, apprenticeships or further education courses for them. They can also explore exciting opportunities further afield by looking at English-taught undergraduate programmes available in Europe and the USA.

    Additionally, the platform helps students successfully apply for these opportunities by using Unifrog to write their personal statement, applications and CVs and guiding them through the process, allowing teachers to give live feedback.

    We are committed to providing a planned programme of careers education and information, advice and guidance. We continually innovate to ensure our students are receiving the high quality and effective guidance they deserve. At the end of each academic year we review the impact of our careers program using students voice and destinations data.

    For more information, go to or contact

  • Work experience for Year 10 Students 2024/2025 will take place from Monday 3rd February to Friday 7th February 2025.

    Brompton Academy firmly believes that work experience plays a crucial part in helping young people make decisions about their future careers. It also develops skills that are vital in the modern labour market.  Work experience is an integral part of the school’s wider programme of careers education and work related learning.

    The Work Experience process – Year 10

    All students in Year 10 will be expected to undertake a one-week placement in February. The process begins during the previous autumn with an assembly and is followed up in PPD lessons.  We work very closely with Medway Education Business Partnership which is responsible for the health and safety of each placement.  Although students are encouraged to source their own placement, formal checks will still be carried out before a student is placed.  Problems at this stage are rare, but where a placement is found to be unsuitable, the student will not be able to attend the placement and an alternative will be sought.

    Students unable to find their own placement, can pick from a bank of employers that MEBP provide.  Again, all will be health and safety checked to ensure they are suitable for a student to attend.

    Further lessons are delivered during bespoke PPD programmes to prepare the students for their experience.

    Immediately prior to the work experience placements taking place, students will be provided with diaries for recording their experiences in. This is a compulsory activity as the diaries help students to reflect on their learning in the work place, and may use some of the information in future job applications.  As part of the planning process, students are expected to set realistic targets for themselves in their diaries and achieve each one of them.

    During the Placement

    Students must take their diaries with them every day.  During the course of the week most students will receive a personal welfare visit from a member of the schools staff.  Placements that are further away will receive a check up telephone call.  This is to make sure everything is going well for both the student and employer.

    If a student is unable to attend for a legitimate reason on a particular day during the week’s placement, they are expected to notify both the employer and the school first thing in the morning.


    In the week following placements, students will work in their tutor groups to complete the evaluation sections of their diaries and to collectively plan and give a presentation to the remainder of their form groups.  All diaries are taken in and reviewed before being returned to students.  All students who attend a placement will receive a certificate of completion with the chance of working towards a Certificate of Excellence.

    Important information

    • Students are encouraged to find their own placements, but must still inform the school of where they are going to allow vetting.

    • Placements that fail the health and safety check will not be allowed to go ahead.

  • Careers Fair March 2025

    Recently we held our annual Careers Fair at Brompton Academy, inviting a variety of employers, training providers and further education establishments to deliver assemblies to all year groups throughout the year.

    Please click HERE to view an overview of our Brompton Academy Careers’ Fair 2025.

    Upcoming Events

    Year 10, 11 & 13 visit a variety of different universities throughout the academic year.