Business Studies

We live in a society that is based on business and finance. The business and finance curriculum helps our students to understand concepts of business and finance, developing skill and knowledge to support them to become successful and productive members of society.​

Students will gain an understanding of different roles within a business, they will do this through looking at existing businesses in the local area supporting their sense of belonging and purpose and giving them insight into a wide range of business careers.

Students will apply knowledge to real businesses, creating links between theory and the real-world giving purpose to their studies. ​

Students will have the opportunity to build on personal skills within the subject through presentations and interviews this will prepare them for their future career paths. Through taking ownership and responsibility for their work and making decisions and choices students will build on their leadership skills.

Students will develop an understanding of different types of loans, the benefits of managing healthy debt and maintaining and understanding a healthy credit score supporting students’ future choices.​

Students will have the knowledge of the expectations of them, when applying for a job e.g. the relevant documents and the process, supporting them in preparing for the world of work.  ​