Art and Design

We are passionate about creativity and we share a love of Art & Design and Photography with the students.

We teach our students to combine practical skills with creative thinking, to engage, inspire and challenge, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create. At key stage three, students learn the key concepts of art and start to develop their work, responding to a range of artists and themes. This develops at key stage 4, when students learn to explore and connect ideas and concepts to develop original ideas to form their art. They acquire ‘leadership’ skills and can show the way to other students through activities like displaying their work and connecting with an audience.

Through our curriculum, we provide students with an experience that is exciting and to ensure that our students combine practical skills with creative thinking, making art that has, and gives, students ‘purpose’, developing highly valuable and transferrable skills for future careers and life. We actively promote looking at the work of others, celebrating other cultures and encouraging diversity. We develop students’ awareness of the impact of art on society and expect them to achieve by applying a variety of skills from the wider curriculum together with those specific to art and photography to produce effective and considered artworks.

We promote confident self-managers and team-workers, who are willing to take risks and keep an open-mind about new ideas and techniques. We provide a positive safe space; the strong relationships we have with our students exemplifies the trust and high expectations we have of them. We create the feeling of ‘belonging’ to Brompton Academy and students and staff are proud to be part of our community.