
English is the study of who we are and how we build and interact with the worlds around us. In English we learn to become authors of our own stories. Through its study we explore identities and perspectives, discovering where we belong and how we can connect with our society. Here, we develop the skills we need to become leaders. Success in English is rooted in our ability to analyse, communicate and interpret, as such English underpins all aspects of both school life in KS3, 4 and 5 as well as our onward journeys. 

 The texts and modules we interact with in English are the mirrors through which we understand ourselves and the windows to lives that are different from our own. These help us to open realms and possibilities that we perhaps were unaware of and help us to understand our own purpose in our global community.  

 By facilitating the freedom to interact with the questions the world poses about who we are, English provides the opportunity to transform the lives of our students.