
The MFL Department at Brompton Academy provides all pupils with the opportunity to learn Spanish, fostering cultural awareness and curiosity about different customs, beliefs, history, and literature. Our curriculum helps students understand another language deeply while enhancing their comprehension of their own, breaking down social and cultural barriers. 

We aim to develop students' communication skills, cultural understanding, and personal growth, inspiring a lifelong love of languages and preparing them for future global opportunities. Our high-quality curriculum equips students with the skills needed to communicate effectively in Spanish-speaking contexts, focusing on listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Leadership is crucial in our curriculum, guiding students towards excellence and fostering responsibility and initiative. We aim to develop leadership qualities by encouraging students to take ownership of their learning and support their peers. 

Our inclusive curriculum challenges students of all abilities and backgrounds, ensuring accessibility for SEN, PP, and EAL students. We emphasize deep learning by carefully structuring lessons to avoid cognitive overload and promoting a love of languages. We emphasize a sense of belonging within our department and the broader school community, creating an inclusive and supportive environment where every student feels valued and part of a collective journey towards language proficiency. 

The KS3 curriculum lays a solid foundation for KS4 and beyond, systematically teaching phonics, vocabulary, and grammar. Our approach encourages students to express themselves confidently and accurately, both independently and collaboratively. Our progressive model ensures that learning in earlier years builds towards mastery in later stages. Online resources and regular interventions support consistent and inclusive learning, while collaborative departmental practices ensure quality teaching.