
Mathematics is essential for everyday life and understanding the world we live in. Maths is everywhere and the more we can engage and become mathematically fluent, the more informed we become and the greater the opportunities we may have.  At Brompton Academy students learn how mathematics connects to other subjects, identify transferable skills and links to careers and the workplace.  

Students will use their iPads to practise and develop mathematical skills, making a positive difference to their learning outcomes through engaging apps and websites. Through paired and grouped work, students will become mathematically fluent, communicating ideas and developing problem solving skills needed within the maths curriculum and the wider world context. Our mathematics curriculum provides students with the foundation for understanding number, reasoning, thinking logically and problem solving so that they are fully prepared for the future in a data-rich information driven society, having confidence to make informed decisions. 

 Students will show resilience to develop and improve mathematical skills, aspiring to be the best mathematician they can be. Maths lessons are enriched and vibrant, taught with enthusiasm where effective ways are sought to enable every child to succeed.