
In Science we make use of practical skills and technology to promote enjoyment and curiosity in years 7 and 8 this encourages students to choose the Triple Science GCSE option and take Science through to A-level. Our scheme of work allows students to develop their skills in experimental scenarios with increasing levels of independence. We also encourage the use of iPads as a learning tool in a range of activities from stop frame animation, research projects, augmented reality and holograms. There are also a range of apps and websites that we use to enrich the teaching experience. In terms 2, 4 and 6 we run extended investigations for years 7-10. These ‘X-lab’ projects take place during lesson time and involve the students solving real world problems or take on the role of a potential Science based career.  


The science curriculum offers leaderships opportunities in a range of situations. Group work is a key part of lessons both in terms of practical activities and independent student led research. Students have opportunities to lead their groups, allocate roles to their team and generate their own questions to answer. Higher attaining students are given responsibility to ‘teach’ small topics to their group and share their expertise with others. 


Possible science-based careers are highlighted throughout the science curriculum using vocational, scenario-based activities and case studies. We also use our X-lab projects to put the students into careers-based scenarios allowing them to experience a range of tasks associated with scientific investigation and problem solving. 

The science curriculum provides both academic (A-level) and vocational (Level 3 BTEC) routes to university. Students are exposed to further education thorough trips to the university of Kent Medway campus, allowing them to experience the laboratories and facilities available. We also work with post graduate ambassadors to mentor our A-level and Level 3 BTEC students in the sixth form.