Contact Us

Marlborough Road

Telephone: 01634 852341

E-mail Address:

Principal Dan Walters

Brompton Academy Contact Guide

We are here to support and assist you. If you have any issues that you wish to discuss with members of staff at Brompton Academy, please click on the button below to find a simple guide that will help you find the right member of staff that will be ready to help you.

General enquiries

Any enquiries should be directed in the first instance to the Academy office on the telephone number provided above or please fill out the General Enquiry Form below:

Admissions ENquiries

Please contact the academy office.


If you would like to contact Catherine Nasillo, the SENCO at Brompton Academy, please click HERE.

Compliments and complaints

Your feedback is welcome and we like to hear about your experiences at Brompton Academy. If you feel your complaint has not been dealt with fully after contacting the relevant member of staff from the Contact Guide at the top of this page, please contact the Academy Principal HERE.

You can also find our Complaints Policy HERE.

If you would like to leave us some good news or positive feedback then please feel free to use the office email address above.

Request for copies

Should you wish to receive a paper copy of any document on the website, please contact the Academy office.  


Contractors, visitors and supply staff attending the Academy it is important you are aware of our safeguarding procedures that can be found HERE.

Academy Opening Hours

8.00am open to students for breakfast.

8.25am arrival for all students on Academy site.

8.30am lessons start.

3.15pm lessons finish on Monday to Thursday.

After school clubs/electives/enrichment activities 3.15pm - 4.45pm after school clubs/electives/enrichment or end of the Academy day (Monday to Thursday)

2.10pm lessons finish on Friday.

After school clubs/electives/enrichment activities 2.10pm - 3.10pm or end of the Academy day (Friday)

Total number of 32 hours and 30 minutes per week.

If you would like to contact the Chairperson of the Brompton Academy Governing Board please email:

Or send a letter to:

Chair of the Governing Board
Richard Ebanks,
Brompton Academy,
Marlborough Rd,
ME7 5HT.

The sponsor for UKAT is the University of Kent.

Fore more information about the University of Kent Academies Trust please visit our UKAT website.