Food Technology

The intent of the food technology curriculum is to ensure that all students have the confidence and ability to cook nutritious, fresh meals and to prepare them for adult life.  


  • Students will understand the governments Healthy Eating Guidelines and will have a healthy relationship with food. They will achieve this by studying both theoretical knowledge and practical skills that combined will ensure a secure knowledge.  

  • Students will leave KS3 with the ability to prepare food, cook and know about presentation techniques. The KS3 curriculum will give students a secure knowledge of hygiene and safety and enable them to stay safe in any food environment, developing purpose and an opportunity for leadership

  • Through practical lessons, students will develop making skills using a variety of processes and, prepare a variety of British and international cuisine dishes to help investigate the wider world through food. 

  • Creating a sense of belonging, students will develop resilience, independence and responsibility regarding safety of themselves and others during practical lessons. 

  • Students will have a sense of purpose, through their personal development of the food curriculum to promote a healthy lifestyle for themselves and their families.