Religious Studies 

The intent of Religious Studies is to foster moral and virtuous young leaders, who are well informed about different worldviews and model the qualities of respect and compassion for all.  

 The aim of Religious Studies is to develop knowledge and understanding of the beliefs, values and practices of different worldviews and to provide opportunities for personal reflection, so that students may explore their own spiritual, moral beliefs and values. This leads students to gain insight into and appreciation of the ultimate (fundamental, deep or big) questions of life.  

 The Religious Studies curriculum explores a broad range of perspectives, acquiring an awareness of the worldviews represented in Britain, as well as non-religious and ethical viewpoints.     

 Students are encouraged to see the value in different beliefs and to consider what can be learnt from both religious and non-religious worldviews outside of their own.  They will learn how religious identity influences people’s lives, and provides some with a sense of belonging and purpose.    Furthermore, they are encouraged to be critical thinkers, to challenge and question their own and others’ ideas and assumptions about different beliefs.      

 Reflecting the secular nature of Brompton Academy, we have a multi-disciplinary framework through which the topics are studied.  Students learn about religion, philosophy, and the human / social sciences, which enables them to develop both the substantive knowledge required as well as the ability to interpret and evaluate information in order to draw meaningful conclusions.