Brompton Academy Uniform



Years 7 to 11 students

  • Grey blazer with braiding and embroidered Academy logo. This item can only be purchased from Uniformbase. This item is compulsory.

  • Black V neck tank top or a black V neck long sleeved jumper to be worn over the shirt. This item can be purchased from Uniformbase. You can have either a tank top or a jumper. This item is optional.

  • Academy Mini School clip-on tie (a different colour tie for each Mini School). This item can only be purchased from Uniformbase. This item is compulsory.

  • White collared short or long-sleeved shirt (no polo shirts) with a large enough neck size to enable the top button to be fastened, and long enough to tuck into skirt or trousers. This item can be purchased from Uniformbase or any retailer. This item is compulsory.

  • Black single front pleated skirt, knee length and can only be purchased from Uniformbase. This item is compulsory.

  • Black plain business style - straight fit or bootcut trousers and can be purchased from Uniformbase or any retailer. Please note, no tight, stretchy, shiny, flares, denim style material, jeggings, or skinny fit allowed. This item is compulsory.

  • Black Academy approved straight ankle length skirt, to be ordered eight weeks before the start of a new term, price will be confirmed on application from Uniformbase (this is an alternative option to the single front pleated knee length plain black skirt that offers students more coverage). This item can only be ordered from Uniformbase.

  • Black/white knee length socks only (no ankle socks or over the knee socks), with no decorations such as bows etc.

  • Plain black flat shoes, with a plain black sole, with no accessories, such as decorations, bows, studs, buttons, brooches etc. (enclosed toe and heel – important for health and safety when in labs and technology rooms).

  • No boots are allowed and no trainers.

    PE Kit

    • Black PE polo top with BA logo and can only be purchased from Uniformbase. This item is compulsory.

    • Black PE 1/4 zip jumper with BA logo and can only be purchased from Uniformbase. This item is compulsory.

    • Black tracksuit pants with BA logo or black sports leggings with BA logo and these can only be purchased from Uniformbase. These items are compulsory.

    • Black shorts are optional. This item can be purchased from any retailer.

    • Trainers will be required and are essential for PE lessons. This item can be purchased from any retailer.

    • Firm ground football boots are optional and not essential for all year groups. This item can be purchased from any retailer.

    • Any other clothing such as hoodies, long sleeve tops underneath the PE kit tops are not to be worn and students will be asked to remove them or be sent home to change.

    • NB. Please note, you can choose to buy either the black tracksuit pants with BA logo or the black sports leggings with BA logo. We require you to only have one item that has the BA logo for the lower part of the PE kit.

    Performing Arts kit

  • Performing Arts lessons are part of the Phase One (Years 7, 8 and 9) carousel of activities and practical clothing/kit is required. Students may wear their PE kit and a plain royal blue T-shirt. This plain royal blue T-shirt can be purchased from Uniformbase or any retailer. This item is optional.

  • Students may wear black jazz shoes or non-marking trainers, however,  there will be occasions when barefoot would be mandatory unless medically exempt.

  • BTEC Performing Arts and BTEC Dance (Years 10 and 11) – students may wear their PE kit in addition to a plain royal blue T-shirt. This plain royal blue T-shirt can be purchased from Uniformbase or any retailer. This item is optional. Students may wear black jazz shoes or non-marking trainers, however, there will be occasions when barefoot would be mandatory unless medically exempt.

  • BTEC Performing Arts and A level Dance (Year 12 and 13) – plain black leggings or jogging bottoms in addition to a plain black sleeveless leotard. The branded UKAT Sixth Form T-shirts and sweatshirts should also be worn in lessons and can be ordered directly from the Performing Arts faculty at the start of each academic year. This item is optional. Students may wear black jazz shoes or non-marking trainers, however, there will be occasions barefoot would be mandatory unless medically exempt.

    Jewellery Expectations

  • No jewellery (except watches).

  • No piercings at all, including facial, tongue, nose and any clear piercings that are used to substitute the jewellery item is not permitted – e.g. nose or ears.

    Make Up Expectations

  • No makeup.

  • No pencilled in eyebrows.

  • No false eyelashes or lash extensions.

  • No nail varnish or false nails.

    Hair Expectations

  • No coloured hair accessories i.e. coloured bows, headbands, clips etc. hair bands can be neutral, black or white.

  • The Academy’s hair policy is fully inclusive. We are conscious of supporting all hair types and therefore we support and adopt the Halo Hair Code. Visit

  • No inappropriate or extreme haircuts or colours e.g. tram lines, shaved heads, mullets, dip dyed hair colours, contrasting extreme colours not suitable e.g. pink, red, purple, green etc.

  • No fashion headwear/scarves are allowed to be worn. Please note for students whose religion requires them to wear any alternative items, parents/carers should contact the Principal for agreement. Head coverings should be plain black.

    additional Information

  • A back pack or suitable bag is compulsory for all year groups and can be purchased from any retailer. A backpack or bag should be large enough to carry an iPad or an A4 folder.

  • No handbags are allowed.

  • Coats are allowed but no hoodies, tracksuit tops or zip up jumpers or non-uniform jumpers are allowed.

  • Only Academy issued badges/pins to be worn on blazers.

  • No large or oversized belts to be worn with skirts or trousers.

  • We encourage our parents/carers to label all uniform items as any lost items can be located more easily if they are labelled with a first and second name.

(Brompton Academy reserves the right to send students home for wearing incorrect uniform, including PE kit. This is non-negotiable).

Equipment for learning

Students should ensure they come with the correct equipment for lessons:

  • Charged iPad (if they have taken out the iPad Scheme)

  • Black Pens

  • Green Pen

  • Pencils

  • Rulers

  • Rubbers

  • Pencil sharpener

  • Pencil case

  • Water bottle

All of the above can be purchased at our BA Shop using ePraise points or purchased from any retailer.


Please click HERE to visit our uniform provider.

Uniformbase have advised us that the best time to order your child’s new uniform is the first or second week in July.

11 Railway Street

Tel: 01634 407217

If you have any questions or concerns about purchasing the uniform, please contact Uniformbase on the email address below:


Recommended Retailers

If you are looking for uniform items from retailers, we recommend you might look at Marks and Spencers, Asda, Tesco etc. We cannot guarantee that any of these retailers will have the correct stock or correct size for your child.,default,sc.html