Safeguarding and Visitor Information
As an Academy we take safeguarding issues very seriously. If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact a member of the safeguarding team.
If you are visiting our Academy, either as a contractor, volunteer, supply teacher or someone that has come to work with our students in any capacity, it is important that you are aware of our safeguarding procedures.
If there is any reason to suspect that a student has suffered bullying or discrimination, or is likely to suffer significant harm, you must inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) immediately using the contact details below. Our staff will then follow the procedures according to the Academy Safeguarding Policy. Students can access the safeguarding app on their iPad to report any concerns.
Operation Encompass
At Brompton Academy we are working in partnership with Kent Police and Children’s Services to identify and provide appropriate support to pupils who have experienced domestic violence in their household; this scheme is called Operation Encompass.
The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in or witness to a domestic abuse incident. Domestic abuse impacts on children in a number of ways. Children are at increased risk of physical injury during an incident, either by accident or because they attempt to intervene. Even when not directly injured, children are greatly distressed by witnessing the physical and emotional suffering of a parent.
Encompass has been created to highlight this situation. It is the implementation of key partnership working between the police and schools. The aim of sharing information with local schools is to allow ‘Key Adults’ the opportunity of engaging with the child and to provide access to support that allows them to remain in a safe but secure familiar environment.
In order to achieve this, the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub will share police information of all domestic incidents where one of our pupils has been present, with the Designated Safeguarding Lead(s) (DSL). On receipt of any information, the DSL or DDSL will decide on the appropriate support the child requires, this should be covert dependent on the needs and wishes of the child. All information sharing and resulting actions will be undertaken in accordance with Kent Police and MASH Encompass Protocol Data Sharing Agreement. We will record this information and store this information in accordance with the record keeping procedures.
The purpose and procedures in Operation Encompass have been shared with all parents and governors. Further information can be found by clicking on the following link:
At Brompton Academy our Key Adult is Mr.Stanley.
Safeguarding Team
Tommy Stanley - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Rebecca Maxwell - Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Louise Ansel Burford - Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Bex Toghill - Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Juliet Jolley - Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Paula Morris - Admin Support
You can contact all the above staff via our Childprotection email address above.
The Academy's Safeguarding Policy can be viewed under the policies section of the academy website HERE.
The Sexual Harassment leaflet can be found HERE.
The Child Protection guidance leaflet can be found HERE.
The more accessible version of this leaflet can be found HERE.
The Online Safety page for Parents and Carers can be found HERE.
Contact Details for our Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Tommy Stanley
Prevent Officer: Tommy Stanley
SENCo: Catherine Nasillo
Brompton Academy: 01634 852341
If you would like to contact the SENCo, please email using the following email address:
Contact Details for Medway Children’s Safeguarding Team: 01634 334466
Emergency Out of Hours Social Care: 03000 419191
Contact Details for Kent Children’s Safeguarding Team: 03000 411111
Health and Safety
Contractors must ensure that they are fully conversant with the safety rules and regulations to be observed by contractors working on site.
If you are visiting our Academy, either as a contractor, volunteer, supply teacher or someone that has come to work with our students in any capacity you must report to our main reception.
As a visitor you will be asked to sign in and be issued with a badge which must be worn prominently so that staff and students can see that you are a visitor. Depending on the circumstances you may also be asked to show any identification.
If you are a regular visitor to the school you will need to sign in on each occasion. When you leave the site please ensure that you sign out and return your badge to main reception.
Online Safety
If you would like to access some support and information regarding online safety we have created our own page on the Brompton Academy website that we hope will help guide you and support you with useful information and contacts.
Please click HERE to access this page.
Fire Procedures
If the fire alarm sounds whilst visiting the Academy, you must leave the building via the nearest and safest exit.
Make your way to the playground assembly point as shown in the diagram below.
Once you have vacated the building, or if you have been working externally, do not re-enter any buildings.
Await further instructions.
Do not re-enter any buildings until instructed it is safe to do so.
First Aid
If first aid is required, or there has been an accident or incident, please contact the Academy reception by telephoning 01634 852341, ext. 773. For any after hours accidents or incidents contact the Site Team ext. 752.
The Academy is a strictly non-smoking site. This includes e-cigarettes.
The use of cameras and taking photographs is not permitted unless prior permission has been sought.
Parking on Site
Parking on the Academy site is limited and all visitors must ensure that their vehicles are parked in the designated parking spaces only. If you require a disabled parking space please contact our reception.