
Our history curriculum prepares all of our students for their future, by equipping them with knowledge from the past. Students develop a broad knowledge of the history of the world, whilst also practicing and developing the written, oral and teamwork skills vital for success outside of the classroom.   

Throughout their historical studies, all our students are encouraged to reflect on the history’s purpose; in the classroom, in the wider school and ultimately in the community. Our curriculum is designed to motivate students to achieve their goals, via the subject specific and transferable skills that we teach. We teach students the importance of research, how to craft clear arguments, the art of analysing evidence, to name a few, all whilst focusing on the skill’s importance in their own lives. Therefore, transferable skills vital for future success are cemented within our schemes of work, alongside a broad exploration of careers both directly and indirectly related to our field of study.   

The history department is also committed to offering students the opportunity to develop themselves as leaders. The curriculum is ambitious in its breadth, depth and content covered – pushing every student to consider new thinking and take on new challenges in the classroom. Students are taught how to overcome challenges, work as a team and lead others. Whilst studying more challenging historical topics is vital, we also celebrate historical success and progress, in order to inspire confidence and aspiration within our students. 

We also provide an inclusive curriculum which reflects our school community, giving all students an understanding of their place in the world and a sense of belonging. Our curriculum reflects our learners, their own experiences, their background, and culture. Local history is spread throughout our curriculum, designed to tackle the misconceptions surrounding the reputation of our local area. Furthermore, students are regularly given the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities that foster this sense of belonging and encourage an appreciation of diversity.