Annie Jr. - What a Success!

This term saw the culmination of months of hard work and commitment, as the cast of Annie Jr. stepped onto the stage and showcased their incredible talents. The show week atmosphere was one of excitement, and the positive energy from all involved made it such a fun experience. In the final lead up to opening night, the rehearsals intensified, as we brought in the set, costumes, lighting and microphones! As you can imagine, these new elements bring new challenges, but the cast and crew responded like true professionals and worked as a team to pull everything together.

It was an amazing feeling to be able to welcome a full audience back to the Academy, and we are incredibly grateful for all the support from parents, carers, staff, friends and family. We know how much it means to our young people to have these opportunities, and to see people they know in the audience supporting them. There are many people who contributed to the show in some way, and we want to say a big you to them all.

If you saw the show, you will know how wonderful the cast were, and they have made us so extremely proud, from start to finish. Their commitment and passion, and determination to succeed from start to finish, made it a pleasure to direct. The feedback from audience members has been amazing, and there was even a standing ovation! Seeing the ecstatic faces of our students at the end of the finale, when they were able to soak up the audiences’ appreciation after months of hard work, was very special. The professional level of the show has been commented on multiple times, alongside the exceptional talent displayed by our students.

For some of our Year 11 and Year 13 students, Annie Jr. was the finale to their own time at Brompton Academy, and we would like to wish them the best of luck for their next steps. They have been fantastic role models for our younger students, and a consistent support for the department, going above and beyond to make the show special.

We know that being in the show has created memories for all to last a lifetime, and it was a pleasure to see our young people’s confidence grow and watch new friendships develop. We cannot wait to start planning for what’s next!