Sport England’s ‘Unite the Movement Campaign’

A newly launched strategy by Sport England has highlighted Brompton Academy’s Satellite Tennis Club as providing positive experiences for young people. The club run in partnership with Frindsbury Lawn Tennis Club has been identified as an example of good practice in providing young people with a highly positive experience of sport. The club has been held after school, sessions have taken an innovative, nontraditional way of delivering tennis to our students by having flexible rules, loud music playing and a turn up and play approach which has proved very popular.

Creating positive experiences for young people is one of five areas Sport England has highlighted in its brand new strategy titled ‘Unite the Movement’ which aims to get more people active, removing barriers to participation and levelling inequalities.

The Brompton Academy Satellite Tennis Club has benefitted from funding from Kent Sport and the tireless work of the coaches from Frindsbury Lawn Tennis Club. The sessions have been highly rated by the students attending and this club has also enabled sixth formers to train as tennis leaders to help volunteer at the sessions. The partnership with Frindsbury Lawn Tennis Club continues online with new sessions being delivered by the coaches to Brompton Academy students.

You can read the article featuring the Brompton Academy Satellite Tennis Club by clicking the following link: