University of Kent Music Department Workshops for Year 10 and 13

During Term 4, the University of Kent (UoK) have been working closely with the Music Department to provide workshops for our Year 10 and Year 13 students. In the past, the workshops have been on site, however due to the current COVID restrictions, we have been conducting these via Teams.

Year 10 students have been working with lecturer Dr. Jackie Walduck and the UoK students working on creating a composition on “Freedom” - blending musical ideas together with their instruments and voices. Our students have been able to enhance their performance skills as well as their collaboration and confidence.

Year 13 students have been working with world renowned percussionist Simon Limrick and UoK students; they have been attempting to create a music technology performance by recording voices and instruments into a digital audio workstation (Logic) and playing with effects and loops.

This has been a fantastic opportunity for our students to experience working with lecturers who are experts in the music industry, learning different musical skills as well as a rewarding experience UoK undergraduates to lead workshops ready for their future within the music industry.