Brompton Academy’s Got Talent Eliot Centre Competition

It was a show stopping event when 11 students from our Eliot Centre competed in our annual talent show. Each student represented their Mini School and we had a wide range of fantastic talents, from singing and photography, to drumming and dancing, each and every one of the students demonstrated bravery and resilience getting up on the stage in front of the whole of the Eliot Centre.

Our special judges found it incredibly hard to decide the top three positions, but the students who took the titles were:

1st place - Jake, Year 10, Keynes - Singing. 2nd place - Praise, Year 10, Woolf - Singing. 3rd place - Leon, Year 7, Turing - Drumming.

A huge congratulations to all students involved, you should all be so proud of yourselves! Our winner Jake, was awarded a £25 Odeon gift voucher for his achievements.