Nature Grant Success!

Brompton Academy has been successful in applying for a Local School Nature Grant to support the Gardening Club.

The grant is open to schools and early years settings in England, Scotland, and Wales. This outdoor learning grant fund has two elements – £500 of outdoor equipment chosen from a catalogue of over 100 items, and an outdoor learning training course for our staff. 

Jennifer Pound and James Whitehead worked together on the application and were successful in the latest round. We have been awarded the equipment below which will benefit all our students to increase the bio-diversity at the Academy. 

The Gardening Club is also run within the Eliot Centre Garden and the equipment below will allow this to grow.  

The Easi-Scope cameras will be used by various departments to study close up images. The Wildlife camera will be used to map and chart activity across the site and the data can be used within the Maths Department for practical lessons. The seeds will be planted within our nature pockets and will self-seed, year after year, supporting the bio-diversity of the site.

We also have two hours of training on Gardening for Biodiversity, which will be arranged with all those involved in the Gardening Club. This training module will give us some practical tips for getting going and will include content around growing, nurturing, harvesting and eating produce we have grown.