Careers Corner

The Career Hub has had a very busy term celebrating Careers Week, National Science Week, and International Women’s Day.

February’s CBNB

We have had another successful Careers Business Networking Breakfast meeting at the end of February, with three more fantastic businesspeople talking to students from Year 10 and Year 12. Our guests were from Uniper Energy (who work on decarbonising our energy production), Marlowe Theatre, and the NHS. All students were engaged with all the speakers, which was great to see!

Women in Science Talks

On International Women’s Day, all students from Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 listened to two speakers, from the University of Kent, talk about what they did and how they made their career choices. The students asked some very thoughtful questions after each session.

Feedback from 257 students of the 1,000 or so who attended said that:

  • 54% learnt a lot about career opportunities

  • 63% said that it was interesting to hear what the scientists did and how they chose their career

  • 15% agreed that the talks had changed their career plans

Additional comments made by students:

“I really liked and enjoyed the talk. I thought it was very interesting and I hope we do this again.”

“It has helped me understand forensic science more, as this is what I would like to do in the future.”

“It was interesting to hear about the jobs and how they help cancer.”

Personal Tutor Time Career Activities

Every Thursday, the Personal Tutor activity has been dedicated to using Unifrog. This is a device that every student has on their iPads that enables them to explore career opportunities linked to their preferences.

This included a career challenge quiz competition (271 students entered), which recorded interest and personality profiles and explored what careers Unifrog suggest. It further recorded what careers are best suited to each student’s work environment preferences and completed their skills profile.

Career Business Networking Breakfast

We saw our second Careers Business Networking Breakfast meeting of the term. 20 interested students from Year 10, Year 11, and Year 12 chatted over breakfast with businesspeople from Microsoft and GitHub, The National Grid from the Isle of Grain, and Creative media industries.