Parliament and School Council

The Parliament and School Council have been working hard this term to ensure students voices are being heard. Two of our groups have also been working closely with staff and students to gather evidence and make changes to gain awards and certificates for the Academy. Two of our parliament members have provided updates on their mission below:

Environment Sub Committee Report

The Environmental Sub Committee is happy to report that we are making great progress towards achieving the globally recognised EcoSchools Green Flag accreditation. Our small team has been working hard over the last few months on an extensive environmental review.

Our review covered a wide range of topics such as biodiversity, energy, global citizenship, healthy living, litter, marine, school grounds, transport, waste and water. Through this process we gained a deeper understanding of the environmental work our Academy is already doing, and we have also identified areas where we can improve. Based on our findings, we have compiled an action plan outlining the projects we will be focussing on to make environmental improvements.

We look forward to updating everyone on our future progress.

Silas, Year 10 student.

Brompton Academy’s solar panels and members of The Environmental Sub Committee: Bethany Year 9, Seb and Silas Year 10, Tilly Year 9 and Nikoleta Year 11.

Rights Respecting Schools Committee Report

Over the last few months, the Rights Respecting Schools Committee has completed a series of surveys to establish student’s opinions on whether they are rights aware and how they feel they are treated. This gave us an insight to what students knew and how they felt in the Academy. From this, we were able to look at what was working well and what we needed to try and adapt or change. We also hosted meetings with members of the Pastoral Team about ensuring how rights are respected and what they do with regards to this. This was also a good time for us to feedback the opinions of the students.

In order to spread our message even further, we have confidently delivered assemblies to students so they are aware of their rights and what they can do if they feel these rights are not being respected. All of the great efforts of our committee are providing us with the evidence we need to help us gain the Rights Respecting Schools Silver Award.

Over the next term, we aim to invite a member of the UNICEF Team to visit Brompton Academy and look at all the amazing things we are all doing regarding Rights Respecting Schools. We hope this will result in a well deserved Silver Award!

Grace, Year 11 student