Box Clever Romeo and Juliet Performance

The English Department invited Year 10 and Year 11 students to watch an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, performed by Box Clever Theatre Company.

The actors used an edited version of the play along with lights, music, and audience participation to present their take on Shakespeare’s classic play. They presented their version of the play in just over an hour. Our students were then invited to take to the stage and gave a truly dramatic performance. Many students were keen to take part in the workshops.

After being taught some Shakespearian insults and directed how to deliver their lines for maximum impact, the students took to the stage much to the delight of their peers. Matthew from Year 10 told us that “The play was modernised with media and terminology used in today’s modern world which made the play more engaging, which I really liked!” The play was enjoyed by both audiences, and the English Department hope to host Box Clever again in the future.