Summer Showcase

On Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th July 2023, the Academy’s Assembly Hall was filled with laughter and excitement for the Summer Showcase!

The days leading up to the showcase were very busy with many rehearsals taking place. To prepare for the evening performances, rehearsals were performed for various classes throughout the Academy day. Students left the Assembly Hall with huge smiles on their faces after watching the flawless performance.

Students that participated really enjoyed the experience and said they had a great time. It really was a fun fuelled experience for everyone involved. Parents, carers, friends and family loved the show. Wow, what a great event to end Term 6!

Thanks to all the students, dancers, singers, cheerleaders, actors and bands who took part in the showcase. Special thanks to Miss Conner, Miss Fox, Miss Augila and Miss Hough for putting together such an amazing night. Finally, a thanks to our wonderful audience for being so respectful throughout the show.